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I am all of the things that drive me, feed me and revise me. My professional story can be told through the lens of my work as a Forensic Scientist, my digital arts certification, and my serving as Lead Photographer for Victory Grace Center, Bladensburg MD. 

It is through the lens of my camera, that my spiritual gifts and passion unfold.  Capturing an image for me is more than just taking a picture.  Everything in the frame matters. The use of light to illuminate a subject or a scene, is indeed, what separates the novice from the masters. 

As I build my portfolio, it is my intention to embrace each image captured with an uncanny eye, and to exalt the brilliance of mastery!

Please enjoy a few of the images I have included in my online portfolio.


Tracey MarLené

Contact me

Tel: 917-731-3067


© 2019

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